The beaches are places where people prefer to spend most of their time. Often see different people: how to Tan, never a color "Bronze" and grandchildren who are older couples trying to build a sand Castle. Sometimes, we expect to attract people clothing famous wear hats, umbrellas wholesale. Why we did start accepting applications of someone sitting in the pants and the shirts over 40 of the various theories, we have to ask - is this person who is allergic to the Sun? And how will I know if I don't have the same problem?
Sun of litle and the main symptoms of allergy
Some sunscreens partially block UV light, so we have a tendency to develop allergic reactions, regardless of the protection.
Any person who is not allergic to the Sun? Is known for the food and drugs for some types of allergies, but the Sun is always in any unfair way aside and think of allergies. In fact, there are a few skin reactions have nothing to do with all factors external, of disease or a solar screen, called internal, which is the main type photodermatozes. In other words, the human development and photodermatozes rash or after exposure to the Sun and other forms of skin lesions. It is believed that this potential is your own response of the immune system in some parts of the skin sunny identified abroad and begin a skin rash, bulbs or changes in other forms of allergic reactions. Although it is more likely to burn bright colors, of Sun allergies choose not-affect people of all skin types.
There are many core performance eruption, they often seem so. PMLE (Polymorphic light eruption), polymorphic eruption of form. It is a relatively common condition, in 10 to 20% of healthy individuals. Usually, this reflects the place as if predilection neck and arms and legs folding in an irritating rash, occurs in the Sun for several hours. In General, after a sunburn, skin rashes and other changes for dinner throughout the day. Home eruption is usually caused by hardening of the skin rash, itching to repeat, if nothing, change is usually a few days only.
Interestingly, PMLE rash that looks like a single insect bites. Primary skin to UV - B radiation induced, can prevent most sunscreens and UV - rays penetrate more deeply into the skin. It is understood that it can through the window, which indicates the presence of allergies, transfer, such as travel by car.
In addition, some sunscreens partially block UV light, so we have a tendency to develop allergic reactions, regardless of the protection. Don't forget that these allergies tend to look for in their own families - investigations show that up to 50% of the Sun allergy are inherited.
Drugs and secondary causes of allergic diseases
In the development of allergic reactions should always consider using the "suspicious" of certain products or medications.
Certain medications and products, but certain diseases can also make your skin very sensitive to the Sun. Allergic reactions such as the main secondary eruption photodermatozes. Because of this phenomenon means that allergic reactions still considering whether to use the "suspicious" of certain products or medications. These substances are called light sensitive material, because we have reduced the threshold to the Sun-sensitive skin, after a short exposure can cause severe allergic reactions.
Some of the light-sensitive medications, including:
NT (including vitamin A)
Since NS AIDs (piroxica should mention)
Some antibiotics (such as tetracycline)
Anti fungal drugs
Oral medications
Sedatives (stress, tension and anxiety)
Triciclic antidepressants
Sensitivity, leading to high fotodermatozes some soaps can also occur after the use of anti-dandruff shampoo, perfume and deodorant, and even some sunscreens. Is it not bad to mention that artificial sweeteners, hair dye, oil and some common household substances found some fotoreactione as shoe Polish or suspend products.
Diseases of the skin, but also more sensitive to the Sun is usually a system, which is affecting the whole body. Do not forget to mention two - systemic lupus erythematozus and Porphia.
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